Saturday 25 December 2010

Building a Career

I wish someone had told me this when I first started out. It would have saved me a world of pain. If you were a fresh graduate sitting before me now, this is my sincere advice to you as you take your first step into the *real* working world out there.

As far as I'm concerned, the two most important things for young people to remember before embarking on a career is 1) your track record and 2) your attitude.

Your Track Record

You should start this as early as possible. Cultivate the habit of compiling all your certificates of achievements from school and keeping them in a safe place. They will come in very handy when you go for your first few job interviews.

When you accept a job offer, go in with your eyes open. Once you are in a new company, be prepared mentally and psychologically to stay for at least 3 years. No matter how shitty it is, no matter how nasty the boss, no matter how unfriendly the colleagues, no matter how demanding the clients, grit your teeth and tough it out! See tasks, assignments and projects through - from start to finish. You can learn from both good situations and bad, from problems and solutions, from mistakes and remedies.

Don't be a quitter. Don't job hop! Don't be a rolling stone! When an employer looks at your track record and it says 6 months here and 9 months there, he is not going to have any confidence in you whatsoever! It tells him that you give up easily, that you let obstacles overwhelm you rather than you overcoming them, that you have no perseverence. It says you have no aim, no direction and no clue!

Your Attitude

When you join a firm, you will be given a job description. If you stick firmly to it, your career is DOOMED! If you go in with the attitude that you will only do what is within your job scope and nothing else, you will achieve MEDIOCRITY and nothing else. On the other hand, if you aspire to become a senior manager or company director, then you will have to know as much about your industry as you can! Get it? You CANNOT LEAD without extensive knowledge!

There is a mountain of information out there you will have to scale if you want to reach anywhere near the top. There is a steep learning curve to tackle, right from day one, and the sooner you start climbing the better! No one is going to hand it to you on a platter. No one is going to package it neatly for you. Spoon-feeding stopped the day you left high school! The knowledge is out there but you'll have to dig it out yourself, one painful nugget at a time!

Pacing Yourself

One final tip for young career builders. Get a better understanding of the industry you are launching into by talking to someone in the same field who is older, preferably in his 40s or 50s. Determine what you are expected to know at different stages of your career. Set out a road map to pace yourself, if you will. Establish a guide like this: a) Mastery of statutory regulations by 30, b) Competency in financial matters by 35, c) Solid grasp of technology by 40, etc. Such milestones will help you to monitor your career progress and keep you on track.

[Now think about how much you will have to pay to hear an *expert* tell you the above in a seminar. You got it here for free! :) ]

Sunday 12 December 2010

The Changed Face

Having a bit of writer's block at the moment, so let me tell you about a book I have just finished reading.

The Changed Face is a translation of a book by German author Heinz Konsalik.

[Someone mentioned that I seemed to like reading paperbacks or *pulp fiction*. I don't see anything wrong with them. Books are expensive these days and I can get paperbacks cheaply at secondhand stores. They were written at a time when men smoked and Africans were called *negros*. I find that much less stifling than today's politically-correct climate. Anyway, what's PC today may not be PC tomorrow.]

The book is about soldiers who received terrible injuries on the face and their rehabilitation into normal society after months and years of surgical repair. Here is a photo of facial injuries suffered during war time.

You can imagine the kind of emotional trauma these men have to go through. It's akin to a roller coaster ride between hope and suicidal despair. The book is so well written that it feels like non-fiction. An excerpt:

The orderlies lifted the blanket from the head of Rudolph Fischer. There was no head left, no face; it had no human form. It was a miracle that he still lived and breathed. Only one eye was left. It lay in a mess of splintered bone and torn flesh. In the windpipe he had a slit into which a cannula had been inserted.

Dr Mainetti stared at the one remining eye. 'On to the table with him - carefully!' She moved to one side and the eye followed her.

And another:

They left Erich alone, and that was a good thing. He lay flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling, and the tears ran out of his eyes and were soaked up by the new bandage. I've got a new nose, he thought. Mother ... Ursula ... I've got a new nose. And suddenly he began to think of silly, ridiculous things. I can wear sun-glasses again. I can smell mother's baking. I can - I can. God! There are so many things you can do with a nose. And you don't realise it till you haven't got one any more. Later he wrote a letter to Cologne. He was the happiest man in Block B.

You'll be pleased to know that the book has a happy ending. :)

Sunday 10 October 2010

Are We Too Soft?

I heard this on radio some time ago. Since it was in Cantonese I hope I got the story right. It went something like this:

A team-building expert from Hongkong was in Kuala Lumpur to train some of our local folk. He made our guys do really tough physical exercises. In one activity, they were to hold a particularly taxing position for as long as possible. Our Malaysian fellows cheered and clapped each other on their backs when they lasted one whole minute! The trainer looked them in the eyes and said the WORST team in China lasted 10 minutes!

Hence, my question: Have we become too soft?

Life here in Malaysia has always been much easier than in over-populated places like China. We have plenty of land and natural resources. The soil is rich. Vegetables and fruits abound. Famine is unheard of. We get lots of rain and don't worry about drought. No freezing winters to prepare for. No volcanoes, no earthquakes, no typhoons.

The culture is laid-back too. We are told to be sensitive with each other's feelings, not to push too hard, demand too much. We want quality family and leisure time. We want time to devote to religion. We set up lots of regulations to enhance health and safety. We need lots of permits and approvals before businesses can be set up. Etc.

Well, let's have a look at our competitors and see what's happening in their countries.

In Indonesia, you can open a food stall in front of your house and nobody will be bothered. You can build buildings without architects. You can convert a 3-storey house into a student hostel, with a single escape staircase leading down to the kitchen - the most likely place for a fire to start. You don't work, you don't eat. Simple as that.

In China, you can do piling at construction sites after midnight. You can work 24 hours 7 days a week on a building project smack in the middle of a city. You don't have to worry about racial sensitivities when you chew your workers out. You don't work, you don't eat. No illusions whatsoever.

I'm quite sure many people in China actually work longer hours than the legendary Japanese!

So where do we Malaysians stand in comparison? Are we full of tidak apathy? Have we become so worried about hurting our fellow countrymen that we wrap them in cotton wool? Have we set our standards and expectations much too low? Have we crippled ourselves with kindness? Can we still compete as a nation?

Troubling questions indeed.

Friday 8 October 2010

Good Jews

When I was working as a trainee in Sydney, this black-clad Jew stepped into the office and nearly scared the bejesus out of me! He looked exactly like the people in the pictures below.

A Jew is basically someone who belongs to the religion called Judaism. According to the Old Testament of the Bible, they are God's Chosen People and will inherit eventually some place called the Promised Land, also known as Israel. They are different from Christians in that they are still waiting for the Messiah or saviour, while Christians accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah.

Bible-believing Christians tend to treat Jews with great respect as they are considered the apple of God's eye. Thus, when the Palestinians shoot a few home-made rockets at Israel, it's terrorist aggression, but when Israel slaughters 2000 Palestinians, it's noble self-defense. To devout Christians, Israel can do no wrong.

Hitler disposed of 6 million Jews during the Second World War. I think the Germans blamed the Jews for their defeat in the First World War, as Jews are good businesspeople and were apparently financing the British military effort against Germany - in exchange for a homeland in Palestine, which
was then in British control.

I have met Jews who consider themselves "white" and look down on the Palestinians. I like to remind them that it was the white Europeans who gassed them, and not the Muslims. Before someone accuses me of being anti-semitic, please note that I'm pro-Palestinian, who are Semites, just like the Jews.

The Europeans killed two birds with one stone when they transferred the Jewish problem from Europe to the Middle East. Firstly, they got rid of the ultra-competitive Jews and secondly they stuck a thorn in the side of their other competitors, the Arabs. Israel is the West's handy weapon to irritate the Muslims, just like Tibet is used to stir up China.

Zionism is basically an extremist racist political movement that uses past Jewish suffering to justify land-grab and merciless subjugation of the Palestinian people.

Fortunately, there are a few Jews who still possess a conscience. They know the dirty political games that are in play and are willing to speak up against them.

Enough said. Time for the photos to do the talking. Click on them for a larger view.

Sunday 3 October 2010

The Human Spirit

The Malay language has two words for "spirit" - roh and semangat, the first being an object, like an angel or ghost, and the second, an attitude or a state of mind, as in a "fighting spirit". I happen to think they are the same thing.

The most spiritual book I have ever read is - guess what? - not a religious book! (I also happen to think that spirituality and religion are two ENTIRELY different things.) It is a book about a kind of modern-day Robin Hood, called Simon Templar, also known as The Saint. What makes him different from other anti-heroes, what makes him extraordinary and trandscend above the rest, what makes him spiritual, is utterly simple. He smiles.

That's it! He doesn't pray. He doesn't do religious stuff. He doesn't try to be more holy than anybody else. In fact, he kills when it's called for. It's his approach to life and fear and danger that lifts him up and sets him apart. He refuses to allow his spirit to be crushed. And that, to me, is more spiritual that all the religious costumes and rituals in the world. For me, singing is spiritual. Laughing is spiritual. Doing the right thing is spiritual. Helping the weak is spiritual. Self sacrifice is spiritual.

Here are a few excerpts from the book The Saint's Getaway (1932) by Leslie Charteris, to help you get acquainted with Mr Simon Templar.

"Simon Templar drew a deep breath. Then he fired from his pocket. His gun, with a half-charged cartridge in the chamber, gave no more than an explosive little cough, which merged into the sharp smack of the bullet crashing home into the single electric light switch by the door; and the room was plunged into impenetrable darkness. The Saint hurled himself sideways. Right behind him he heard the dull plop of an efficiently silenced gun, but he was untouched. He twisted like an eel, and his hand brushed a pair of legs. They heard his grim chuckle in the darkness."

"And, knowing her man, she understood. The clear blue of the night was in his eyes, the georgeous madness that made him what he was thrilled in his touch. His words seemed to hold nothing absurd, nothing incongruous - only the devil-may-care attar of Saintliness that would have stopped to admire a view on the way to its own funeral."

"He came to his feet with the lithe swiftness of an animal, settling his belt with one hand and sweeping back the other over his smooth hair. The cold winds of incredulity and common sense flowed past his head like common zephyrs. He had his inspiration. The flame of unquenchable optimism in his eyes was electric, an irresistable resurgence of the old Saintly exhaltation that would always find a new power and hope in the darkest thunders of defeat. He laughed. The stillness had fallen from him like a cloak - fallen away as if it had never existed. He didn't care."

"Monty Hayward looked at him, and was amazed. The bleakness was still in the Saint's eyes, but suddenly there was a twinkle with it as if the sun had glinted over two chips of blue ice. There was the phantom of a smile on the Saint's lips - a smile that had still to reach the careless glory of pure Saintliness, but yet a smile that had not been there before. And the Saint spoke in a voice that showed his smile."

Footnote: Ever watched a baby laugh? (If you haven't, go here: ) My youngest was chuckling at 3 months. A baby cries when it feels pain or discomfort. But how does it know joy and happiness, when it doesn't know sorrow? The only logical reason to me is ... babies are born with human spirits. 10 Oct 2010.

Tuesday 31 August 2010


This is the most fascinating artist I have had the pleasure of discovering. I'll leave it to you to dig out more info about him from the net. To me, he was just a street kid trying to fit into proper society and not really understanding why he kept failing.

For instance, he was commissioned to do a painting of the death of the Virgin Mary and he dutifully painted a drowned whore they fished out of the river! Look at her bloated body and stiff legs! [Click on the picture to enlarge.] This painting, known as The Death of the Virgin, was rejected and returned to Caravaggio.

This is the most moving piece of art I have ever set eyes on. It's called David with Goliath's Head. But it is really Caravaggio painting himself. At this point in his miserable life he was on the run for murder. It's a younger Caravaggio looking with sorrow and contempt at an older Caravaggio. That expression on David's face is simply heart-breaking! Caravaggio died a few months after this painting was completed - without receiving the pardon he had so longed for.

Here's a video of Caravaggio's troubled life by the BBC. I recommend it highly.

Saturday 21 August 2010

Responses to this Blog

I do get responses to my writing from time to time. I've just added some to the bottom of the respective blogs in coloured text.

Here's one I don't know where to put, so I'll stick it here.

From a lady in Kuala Lumpur (10 Jan 2010):

I spent the better part of the last three hours reading your blog … in its entirety! It was time well spent, I declare! I must admit here this is not the first time I’ve read/ browsed through it and some entries I find fascinating and riveting, most (are) informative and others simply beyond my simple mind to comprehend. Nevertheless, you constantly amaze me in the breadth and scope of your interests and the amount of reflection and pondering you do on that diverse range of topics you seem to pore over. Syabas!

Saturday 14 August 2010



Every time I hear crap like the above, I feel like throwing up. And I seem to be hearing more of it these days. Has Uncle Sam been churning up the propaganda now that the US economy is going downhill?

First of all, what's wrong with speaking German or Japanese? I actually did a one-year German language course back in university. When you speak only English, all your information is effectively censored by the English-speaking British and Americans. For instance, when I look for books on Germany, all I find are travel guides and biographies about Adolf Hitler. Germany is/was the biggest exporter in the world and nobody writes about it!

Second of all, China was actually conquered and occupied by Manchuria from 1644 to 1912 (the Qing Dynasty). Today you won't find Manchuria on a map! Manchuria was absorbed into China and is now Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning in northeastern China! Are the Chinese speaking Manchurian today? Nope, they are speaking Putonghua (or Mandarin)! The same would have happened to the Japanese if they had stayed in China long enough!

Third of all, the USSR - not the USA - defeated Nazi Germany. Look at the Soviet Union's sacrifice compared to America's. What the Yanks really did was to block the Russians from occupying Western Europe. So, without the US, Europe would been speaking Russian, not German!

Look at the USA's teeny-weeny contribution during WW2. The Americans like to over-rate their performance and take all the credit - with lots of help from Hollywood. And the historically-challenged folk swallow it without question. That's what happens when the English-speakers control the mass-media!

[Charts are from Wikipedia.]

Sunday 25 July 2010

US Military Records in East Asia

I had blogged this before but it is worth repeating.

The US military will never win another land war in East Asia.

They can certainly kill lots of people and cause enormous destruction. That's something the Yanks are still good at. You can call genocide an American speciality.

A PLA general (Zhu Chenghu) once said that China expects to lose ALL CITIES east of Xian in a war with the US. Have a look at the map below. That would include Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Wuhan, Nanjing, ... China obviously expects no mercy from the Americans. What mercy did the US warmongers show the Japanese, the Koreans and the Vietnamese? None.

But let's have a look at Uncle Sam's less than sterling war performance in East Asia to put things into some perspective.

Largest surrender in US military history: Battle of Bataan, Luzon, Philippines. On 9 April 1942, 75,000 American and Filipino soldiers surrendered to the Japanese.

Longest retreat in US military history: Korean War. The Chinese People's Liberation Army chased 140,000 American troops down the Korean peninsular from the border of China to Seoul in 1950.

Longest war in US military history: Vietnam War (1965 to 1975). Uncle Sam lost 60,000 soldiers before getting kicked out of Vietnam.

From that brilliant record, I conclude that the US will NEVER win another land war in east Asia.

Saturday 26 June 2010

The Secret of Success

If you were to ask me what I thought is the secret of success, I would answer with one simple word: FOCUS. That is what it all boils down to. If you're learning music, for example, fix your mind on music. If possible do it 24/7. Eat, sleep and shit music. Dream music. Sweat music, bleed music, puke music. You'll find that true of a pianist like Lang Lang, I'm sure.

That's what China's Olympic stars are about too. They are taken away at a young age to devote themselves to sports and often don't see their parents for months! No half-measures for them.

How do the Chinese march in such straight lines in their parades? This is what they had to endure. No nonsense. No mucking around. No pain, no gain. Only single-minded determination to get the job done and done well.

When you concentrate force and apply it to a single point, even a steel plate can be penetrated, as shown in this photo of a shaped charge going through armour.

DISTRACTION is the antithesis of FOCUS. It comes in many forms: wine, women, song, religion, television, computer games, the stock market, financial problems, family feuds, noise, illness, ... anything that prevents one from concentrating on the task at hand.

In order to achieve any objective, one has to establish one's present position and decide where one wants to be. The journey between the here and now, and the desired destination is an obstacle course littered with DISTRACTIONS and problems.

I believe a lot of people drift along in life like a boat without oars, hoping and praying that the currents will transport them to a fate that is kind. The true achievers are FOCUSED. They know precisely what they want and have charted the course to get there. I know a girl who became the director of a publicly-listed company in her twenties. Perhaps someone had paved the way for her but she had the target in her sights and got there in double-time.

To FOCUS means to think about the the goal day and night, planning and scheming, probing and pushing, examining and re-examining, weaving, dodging, rolling with the punches, maneuvering around obstacles, driving ever onwards with gritted teeth and eyes fixated resolutely on that single final outcome, that ultimate end-result, with the all consuming, all encompassing obsession that overshadows every other thing.

Whether it's the right objective, whether you will still like yourself when you get there, whether the prize is worth the sacrifice, whether the end justifies the means, ... is another story.

If you know what you want bad enough, you know what you will have to do to get there. No two ways about it. FOCUS!

Friday 28 May 2010

Sick Earth

I am reading Small is Beautiful by EM Schumacher. Apparently, people were highly optimistic back in the early 1970s, believing that the "problem of production" had been solved and that rich countries had only to be concerned with "education for leisure" while their poorer counterparts busyed themselves with "technology transfer". Indeed, those were the good old days.

The positive vibes have long gone and few people need convincing these days that planet earth is on the brink of major disaster. The Western economies are imploding, global warming is inducing global dread and people are no longer just mouthing off about sustainability but actually ACTING on it!

We're way past the point of no return, if you ask me.

Jonas Salk: If all the insects on earth disappeared, within 50 years all life on earth would disappear. If all humans disappeared, within 50 years all species would flourish as never before.

Not very flattering to our inflated egos, is it?

Schumacher: Nature always, so to speak, knows where and when to stop. Greater even than the mystery of natural growth is the mystery of the natural cessation of growth. There is measure in all natural things - in their size, speed or violence. As a result, the system of nature, of which man is a part, tends to be self-balancing, self-adjusting, self-cleansing.

So allow impertinent me to ask this rude question:

Why is Evolution (supposedly unguided by intelligence) able to strike this wondrous ecological balance when man (equipped with the most complex computer in the universe - the human brain) has only been good at F**KING THE PLACE UP?

Sunday 16 May 2010

Science Funnies

Here are a few funnies related to science from one of my favourite cartoonists, Bizarro.

Imagine looking at a clone of yourself!

That old argument for the Theory of Evolution - put a million monkeys at a million typewriters and eventually they produce Shakespeare.

By the way, we already have millions of brainy monkeys hammering away at millions of keyboards everyday all over the planet and all we're producing is info overload!

How is this related to science? Well, atheists are always using science to back up their disbelief. :)

If you want more of Bizarro, go here:

Sunday 9 May 2010

America - Jeckyll or Hyde?

This blog is prompted by a discussion I had with someone on Facebook who was very impressed with an American soldier portrayed in the tv series "The Pacific". I pointed out that the guy was probably a true hero but to beware of American propaganda. Which is precisely what shows like "Shindler's List", "Saving Private Ryan", "Band of Brothers" and "The Pacific" are - Hollywood propaganda. American wants the world to feel grateful and indebted to it for "saving the world", when much of its actions was for reasons far from altruistic.

Let's look at some historical facts to determine the true face of the USA.

Around the 1900s, as Spanish power waned, the US took the opportunity to grab far-flung colonies that Spain was no longer able to control. The Philippines was on the verge of independence when American troops invaded and caused the deaths of some 300,000 Filipinos, most of them civilians.

Was the Second World War a fight between good and evil? Hardly. In truth, it was a struggle among the world's most powerful nations for their share of colonies. Here in Asia, the French controlled Indochina, the Dutch had Indonesia, the British had India and Malaya and the Americans ruled the Philippines. The Germans lost many of their colonies after the First World War. Both Japan and Germany were hemmed in by the other nations and locked out of the colonial game. So they decided to fight. They gambled, lost and were labeled the bad guys ever since. For sure they did some terrible things during the war, but didn't the British or the Americans? Did anybody hang for the fire bombing of Hamburg (50,000 dead), Dresden (25,000 dead) and Tokyo (100,000 dead)?

I would suggest that the Axis forces actually did us a big favour. Germany's war with France, Holland and Britain had weakened the three countries to such an extent that their respective empires crumbled, allowing colonies like Malaya to gain independence with relative ease.

By the way, if you think that the Allies were all great buddies, have a look at this quote from that famous American general, George Patton:

The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European, but an Asiatic, and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinese or a Japanese, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them.

Patton was lobbying to join forces with Germany to attack Russia - at the very end of WW2!

A mere 5 years after Second World War, our American heroes who had so gallantly defeated the Japanese, found themselves in Korea, fighting evil North Koreans and atheist communist Chinese. War-mongering General Douglas MacArthur was rubbing his hands with glee, seeing the Korean War as his stepping stone to the White House.

The Americans dropped so much napalm on North Korea that a shocked Winston Churchill gasped, "When napalm was invented in the latter stages of World War II, no one contemplated that it would be ‘splashed’ over a civilian population.” North Korea was so heavily bombed that "three million North Koreans died during this conflict, and 18 out of its 22 largest cities were 50 percent to 100 percent obliterated." [North Korea: Another Country by Bruce Cumings]. Can we still blame "Dear Leader" Kim for his hatred of the USA?

Curtis LeMay, US Air Force General:

Over a period of three years or so....we burned down every town in North Korea and South Korea too.

When China entered the Korean War, MacArthur requested 50 atomic bombs for him to drop on Chinese cities. So much for erstwhile friends. And so much for the myth that the selfless Americans rescued China from the Japanese.

Moving on to Indonesia, the CIA instigated a coup in 1965 that destroyed the PKI (the Communist Party of Indonesia) and brought Suharto to power, killing, some say, close to 1 million Indonesians in the process, many of them Chinese, communist or otherwise.

This bloodbath was quickly eclipsed by the savagery of the Vietnam War. The Americans once again tried to seize a colony that the French was forced to relinquish, using the same trick that won them the Philippines from the Spanish earlier. Unfortunately, the US encountered a much tougher foe this time. Once again, Uncle Sam attempted genocide from the air, dropping 7 million tons of bombs on a peasant population. This is twice the tonnage dropped by ALL countries during the entire Second World War! In addition, 20 million gallons of Agent Orange was sprayed on the jungles of South Vietnam. Agent Orange contains a poison called dioxin. Trees are still stunted and babies born deformed today but the US has not paid a single cent to compensate the Vietnamese people.

Korea's attempt at reunification failed, no thanks to the Americans. Vietnam reunified successfully, despite violent opposition from France and the US. Taiwan's reunification with China is similarly blocked by Uncle Sam. Nobody interfered in the American Civil War but don't expect the Yanks to appreciate that. Is the US motivated by sheer spitefulness? Beggar thy neighbour? For the US to succeed, other countries must fail?

What happened to the legendary American hero who would lay his life down for your freedom? Is he a myth? Therein lies the paradox. The truth is simple, I think. There is a group of very idealistic Americans who are true believers in democracy, freedom of expression, and all that jazz. Then there is the other group of highly cynical and powerful Yanks who exploit the first group to get precisely what they want. They control the weapons factories, the military and the media that churns out the propaganda that is fed to the world.

The US is both Jeckyll and Hyde.

Sunday 2 May 2010

10 Unsolved Mysteries Of The Brain

I have been reading up for a research topic and didn't have much time to blog.

Anyway, here's an interesting article from Discover magazine ( I hope to post a few more in the near future, to demonstrate how much scientists know - or don't know - about the universe, and yet have the gall to insist there is no God. To these logically-challenged people, the following statement is true.

I cannot prove God scientifically ... therefore there is no God.

A bit like saying, I cannot prove you are the murderer ... therefore you are the murderer.

What I can accept, however, is the statement God is irrelevant. That is a lot more honest than the arrogant science-is-all-conquering bullshit. Or the science-is-on-the-verge-of-knowing-everything crap. Dream on.

Read - and be amazed.


10 Unsolved Mysteries Of The Brain

What we know—and don’t know—about how we think.
by David Eagleman

Of all the objects in the universe, the human brain is the most complex: There are as many neurons in the brain as there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy. So it is no surprise that, ­despite the glow from recent advances in the science of the brain and mind, we still find ourselves squinting in the dark somewhat. But we are at least beginning to grasp the crucial mysteries of neuroscience and starting to make headway in addressing them. Even partial answers to these 10 questions could restructure our understanding of the roughly three-pound mass of gray and white matter that defines who we are.

1. How is information coded in neural activity?
Neurons, the specialized cells of the brain, can produce brief spikes of voltage in their outer membranes. These electrical pulses travel along specialized extensions called axons to cause the release of chemical signals elsewhere in the brain. The binary, all-or-nothing spikes appear to carry information about the world: What do I see? Am I hungry? Which way should I turn? But what is the code of these millisecond bits of voltage? Spikes may mean different things at different places and times in the brain. In parts of the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord), the rate of spiking often correlates with clearly definable external features, like the presence of a color or a face. In the peripheral nervous system, more spikes indicates more heat, a louder sound, or a stronger muscle contraction.

As we delve deeper into the brain, however, we find populations of neurons involved in more complex phenomena, like reminiscence, value judgments, simulation of possible futures, the desire for a mate, and so on—and here the signals become difficult to decrypt. The challenge is something like popping the cover off a computer, measuring a few transistors chattering between high and low voltage, and trying to guess the content of the Web page being surfed.

It is likely that mental information is stored not in single cells but in populations of cells and patterns of their activity. However, it is currently not clear how to know which neurons belong to a particular group; worse still, current technologies (like sticking fine electrodes directly into the brain) are not well suited to measuring several thousand neurons at once. Nor is it simple to monitor the connections of even one neuron: A typical neuron in the cortex receives input from some 10,000 other neurons.

Although traveling bursts of voltage can carry signals across the brain quickly, those electrical spikes may not be the only—or even the main—way that information is carried in nervous systems. ­Forward-looking studies are examining other possible information couriers: glial cells (poorly understood brain cells that are 10 times as common as neurons), other kinds of signaling mechanisms between cells (such as newly discovered gases and peptides), and the biochemical cascades that take place inside cells.

2. How are memories stored and retrieved?
When you learn a new fact, like someone’s name, there are physical changes in the structure of your brain. But we don’t yet comprehend exactly what those changes are, how they are orchestrated across vast seas of synapses and neurons, how they embody knowledge, or how they are read out decades later for retrieval.

One complication is that there are many kinds of memories. The brain seems to distinguish short-term memory (remembering a phone number just long enough to dial it) from long-term memory (what you did on your last birthday). Within long-term memory, declarative memories (like names and facts) are distinct from non­declarative memories (riding a bicycle, being affected by a subliminal message), and within these general categories are numerous subtypes. Different brain structures seem to support different kinds of learning and memory; brain damage can lead to the loss of one type without disturbing the others.

Nonetheless, similar molecular mechanisms may be at work in these memory types. Almost all theories of memory propose that memory storage depends on synapses, the tiny connections between brain cells. When two cells are active at the same time, the connection between them strengthens; when they are not active at the same time, the connection weakens. Out of such synaptic changes emerges an association. Experience can, for example, fortify the connections between the smell of coffee, its taste, its color, and the feel of its warmth. Since the populations of neurons connected with each of these sensations are typically activated at the same time, the connections between them can cause all the sensory associations of coffee to be triggered by the smell alone.

But looking only at associations—and strengthened connections between neurons—may not be enough to explain memory. The great secret of memory is that it mostly encodes the relationships between things more than the details of the things themselves. When you memorize a melody, you encode the relationships between the notes, not the notes per se, which is why you can easily sing the song in a different key.

Memory retrieval is even more mysterious than storage. When I ask if you know Alex Ritchie, the answer is immediately obvious to you, and there is no good theory to explain how memory retrieval can happen so quickly. Moreover, the act of retrieval can destabilize the memory. When you recall a past event, the memory becomes temporarily susceptible to erasure. Some intriguing recent experiments show it is possible to chemically block memories from reforming during that window, suggesting new ethical questions that require careful consideration.

3. What does the baseline activity in the brain represent?
Neuroscientists have mostly studied changes in brain activity that correlate with stimuli we can present in the laboratory, such as a picture, a touch, or a sound. But the activity of the brain at rest—its “baseline” activity—may prove to be the most important aspect of our mental lives. The awake, resting brain uses 20 percent of the body’s total oxygen, even though it makes up only 2 percent of the body’s mass. Some of the baseline activity may represent the brain restructuring knowledge in the background, simulating future states and events, or manipulating memories. Most things we care about—reminiscences, emotions, drives, plans, and so on—can occur with no external stimulus and no overt output that can be measured.

One clue about baseline activity comes from neuroimaging experiments, which show that activity decreases in some brain areas just before a person performs a goal-directed task. The areas that decrease are the same regardless of the details of the task, hinting that these areas may run baseline programs during downtime, much as your computer might run a disk-defragmenting program only while the resources are not needed elsewhere.

In the traditional view of perception, information from the outside world pours into the senses, works its way through the brain, and makes itself consciously seen, heard, and felt. But many scientists are coming to think that sensory input may merely revise ongoing internal activity in the brain. Note, for example, that sensory input is superfluous for perception: When your eyes are closed during dreaming, you still enjoy rich visual experience. The awake state may be essentially the same as the dreaming state, only partially anchored by external stimuli. In this view, your conscious life is an awake dream.

4. How do brains simulate the future?
When a fire chief encounters a new blaze, he quickly makes predictions about how to best position his men. Running such simulations of the future—without the risk and expense of actually attempting them—allows “our hypotheses to die in our stead,” as philosopher Karl Popper put it. For this reason, the emulation of possible futures is one of the key businesses that intelligent brains invest in.

Yet we know little about how the brain’s future simulator works because traditional neuroscience technologies are best suited for correlating brain activity with explicit behaviors, not mental emulations. One idea suggests that the brain’s resources are devoted not only to processing stimuli and reacting to them (watching a ball come at you) but also to constructing an internal model of that outside world and extracting rules for how things tend to behave (knowing how balls move through the air). Internal models may play a role not only in motor acts, like catching, but also in perception. For example, vision draws on significant amounts of information in the brain, not just on input from the retina. Many neuroscientists have suggested over the past few decades that perception arises not simply by building up bits of data through a hierarchy but rather by matching incoming sensory data against internally generated expectations.

But how does a system learn to make good predictions about the world? It may be that memory exists only for this purpose. This is not a new idea: Two millennia ago, Aristotle and Galen emphasized memory as a tool in making successful predictions for the future. Even your memories about your life may come to be understood as a special subtype of emulation, one that is pinned down and thus likely to flow in a certain direction.

5. What are emotions?
We often talk about brains as information-processing systems, but any account of the brain that lacks an account of emotions, motivations, fears, and hopes is incomplete. Emotions are measurable physical responses to salient stimuli: the increased heartbeat and perspiration that accompany fear, the freezing response of a rat in the presence of a cat, or the extra muscle tension that accompanies anger. Feelings, on the other hand, are the subjective experiences that sometimes accompany these processes: the sensations of happiness, envy, sadness, and so on. Emotions seem to employ largely unconscious machinery—for example, brain areas involved in emotion will respond to angry faces that are briefly presented and then rapidly masked, even when subjects are unaware of having seen the face. Across cultures the expression of basic emotions is remarkably similar, and as Darwin observed, it is also similar across all mammals. There are even strong similarities in physiological responses among humans, reptiles, and birds when showing fear, anger, or parental love.

Modern views propose that emotions are brain states that quickly assign value to outcomes and provide a simple plan of action. Thus, emotion can be viewed as a type of computation, a rapid, automatic summary that initiates appropriate actions. When a bear is galloping toward you, the rising fear directs your brain to do the right things (determining an escape route) instead of all the other things it could be doing (rounding out your grocery list). When it comes to perception, you can spot an object more quickly if it is, say, a spider rather than a roll of tape. In the realm of memory, emotional events are laid down differently by a parallel memory system involving a brain area called the amygdala.

One goal of emotional neuroscience is to understand the nature of the many disorders of emotion, depression being the most common and costly. Impulsive aggression and violence are also thought to be consequences of faulty emotion regulation.

6. What is intelligence?
Intelligence comes in many forms, but it is not known what intelligence—in any of its guises—means biologically. How do billions of neurons work together to manipulate knowledge, simulate novel situations, and erase inconsequential information? What happens when two concepts “fit” together and you suddenly see a solution to a problem? What happens in your brain when it suddenly dawns on you that the killer in the movie is actually the unsuspected wife? Do intelligent people store knowledge in a way that is more distilled, more varied, or more easily retrievable?

We all grew up with the near-future promise of smart robots, but today we have little better than the Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner. What went wrong? There are two camps for explaining the weak performance of artificial intelligence: Either we do not know enough of the fundamental principles of brain function, or we have not simulated enough neurons working together. If the latter is true, that’s good news: Computation gets cheaper and faster each year, so we should not be far from enjoying life with Asimovian robots who can effectively tend our households. Yet most neuroscientists recognize how distant we are from that dream. Currently, our robots are little more intelligent than sea slugs, and even after decades of clever research, they can barely distinguish figures from a background at the skill level of an infant.

Recent experiments explore the possible relationship of intelligence to the capacity of short-term memory, the ability to quickly resolve cognitive conflict, or the ability to store stronger associations between facts; the results are not yet conclusive. Many other possibilities—better restructuring of stored information, more parallel processing, or superior emulation of possible futures—have not yet been probed by experiments.

Intelligence may not be underpinned by a single mechanism or a single neural area. Whatever intelligence is, it lies at the heart of what is special about Homo sapiens. Other species are hardwired to solve particular problems, while our ability to abstract allows us to solve an open-ended series of problems. This means that studies of intelligence in mice and monkeys may be barking up the wrong family tree.

7. How is time represented in the brain?
Hundred-yard dashes begin with a gunshot rather than a strobe light because your brain can react more quickly to a bang than to a flash. Yet as soon as we get outside the realm of motor reactions and into the realm of perception (what you report that you saw and heard), the story changes. When it comes to awareness, the brain goes through a good deal of trouble to synchronize incoming signals that are processed at very different speeds.

For example, snap your fingers in front of you. Although your auditory system processes information about the snap about 30 milliseconds faster than your visual system, the sight of your fingers and the sound of the snap seem simultaneous. Your brain is employing fancy editing tricks to make simultaneous events in the world feel simultaneous to you, even when the different senses processing the information would individually swear otherwise.

For a simple example of how your brain plays tricks with time, look in the mirror at your left eye. Now shift your gaze to your right eye. Your eye movements take time, of course, but you do not see your eyes move. It is as if the world instantly made the transition from one view to the next. What happened to that little gap in time? For that matter, what happens to the 80 milliseconds of darkness you should see every time you blink your eyes? Bottom line: Your notion of the smooth passage of time is a construction of the brain. Clarifying the picture of how the brain normally solves timing problems should give insight into what happens when temporal calibration goes wrong, as may happen in the brains of people with dyslexia. Sensory inputs that are out of sync also contribute to the risk of falls in elderly patients.

8. Why do brains sleep and dream?
One of the most astonishing aspects of our lives is that we spend a third of our time in the strange world of sleep. Newborn babies spend about twice that. It is inordinately difficult to remain awake for more than a full day-night cycle. In humans, continuous wakefulness of the nervous system results in mental derangement; rats deprived of sleep for 10 days die. All mammals sleep, reptiles and birds sleep, and voluntary breathers like dolphins sleep with one brain hemisphere dormant at a time. The evolutionary trend is clear, but the function of sleep is not.

The universality of sleep, even though it comes at the cost of time and leaves the sleeper relatively defenseless, suggests a deep importance. There is no universally agreed-upon answer, but there are at least three popular (and nonexclusive) guesses. The first is that sleep is restorative, saving and replenishing the body’s energy stores. However, the high neural activity during sleep suggests there is more to the story. A second theory proposes that sleep allows the brain to run simulations of fighting, problem solving, and other key actions before testing them out in the real world. A third theory—the one that enjoys the most evidence—is that sleep plays a critical role in learning and consolidating memories and in forgetting inconsequential details. In other words, sleep allows the brain to store away the important stuff and take out the neural trash.

Recently, the spotlight has focused on REM sleep as the most important phase for locking memories into long-term encoding. In one study, rats were trained to scurry around a track for a food reward. The researchers recorded activity in the neurons known as place cells, which showed distinct patterns of activity depending upon the rats’ location on the track. Later, while the rats dropped off into REM sleep, the recordings continued. During this sleep, the rats’ place cells often repeated the exact same pattern of activity that was seen when the animals ran. The correlation was so close, the researchers claimed, that as the animal “dreamed,” they could reconstruct where it would be on the track if it had been awake—and whether the animal was dreaming of running or standing still. The emerging idea is that information replayed during sleep might determine which events we remember later. Sleep, in this view, is akin to an off-line practice session. In several recent experiments, human subjects performing difficult tasks improved their scores between sessions on consecutive days, but not between sessions on the same day, implicating sleep in the learning process.

Understanding how sleeping and dreaming are changed by ­trauma, drugs, and disease—and how we might modulate our need for sleep—is a rich field to harvest for future clues.

9. How do the specialized systems of the brain integrate with one another?
To the naked eye, no part of the brain’s surface looks terribly different from any other part. But when we measure activity, we find that different types of information lurk in each region of the neural territory. Within vision, for example, separate areas process motion, edges, faces, and colors. The territory of the adult brain is as fractured as a map of the countries of the world.

Now that neuroscientists have a reasonable idea of how that territory is divided, we find ourselves looking at a strange assortment of brain networks involved with smell, hunger, pain, goal setting, temperature, prediction, and hundreds of other tasks. Despite their disparate functions, these systems seem to work together seamlessly. There are almost no good ideas about how this occurs.

Nor is it understood how the brain coordinates its systems so rapidly. The slow speed of spikes (they travel about one foot per second in axons that lack the insulating sheathing called myelin) is one hundred-millionth the speed of signal transmission in digital computers. Yet a human can recognize a friend almost instantaneously, while digital computers are slow—and usually unsuccessful—at face recognition. How can an organ with such slow parts operate so quickly? The usual answer is that the brain is a parallel processor, running many operations at the same time. This is almost certainly true, but what slows down parallel-processing digital computers is the next stage of operations, where results need to be compared and decided upon. Brains are amazingly fast at this. So while the brain’s ability to do parallel processing is impressive, its ability to rapidly synthesize those parallel processes into a single, behavior-guiding output is at least as significant. An animal running must go left or right around a tree; it cannot do both.

There is no special anatomical location in the brain where information from all the different systems converges; rather, the specialized areas all interconnect with one another, forming a network of parallel and recurring links. Somehow, our integrated image of the world emerges from this complex labyrinthine network of brain structures. Surprisingly little study has been done on large, loopy networks like the ones in the brain—probably in part because it is easier to think about brains as tidy assembly lines than as dynamic networks.

10. What is consciousness?
Think back to your first kiss. The experience of it may pop into your head instantly. Where was that memory before you became conscious of it? How was it stored in your brain before and after it came into consciousness? What is the difference between those states?

An explanation of consciousness is one of the major unsolved problems of modern science. It may not turn out to be a single phenomenon; nonetheless, by way of a preliminary target, let’s think of it as the thing that flickers on when you wake up in the morning that was not there, in the exact same brain hardware, moments before.

Neuroscientists believe that consciousness emerges from the material stuff of the brain primarily because even very small changes to your brain (say, by drugs or disease) can powerfully alter your subjective experiences. The heart of the problem is that we do not yet know how to engineer pieces and parts such that the resulting machine has the kind of private subjective experience that you and I take for granted. If I give you all the Tinkertoys in the world and tell you to hook them up so that they form a conscious machine, good luck. We don’t have a theory yet of how to do this; we don’t even know what the theory will look like.

One of the traditional challenges to consciousness research is studying it experimentally. It is probable that at any moment some active neuronal processes correlate with consciousness, while others do not. The first challenge is to determine the difference between them. Some clever experiments are making at least a little headway. In one of these, subjects see an image of a house in one eye and, simultaneously, an image of a cow in the other. Instead of perceiving a house-cow mixture, people perceive only one of them. Then, after some random amount of time, they will believe they’re seeing the other, and they will continue to switch slowly back and forth. Yet nothing about the visual stimulus changes; only the conscious experience changes. This test allows investigators to probe which properties of neuronal activity correlate with the changes in subjective experience.

The mechanisms underlying consciousness could reside at any of a variety of physical levels: molecular, cellular, circuit, pathway, or some organizational level not yet described. The mechanisms might also be a product of interactions between these levels. One compelling but still speculative notion is that the massive feedback circuitry of the brain is essential to the production of consciousness.

In the near term, scientists are working to identify the areas of the brain that correlate with consciousness. Then comes the next step: understanding why they correlate. This is the so-called hard problem of neuroscience, and it lies at the outer limit of what material explanations will say about the experience of being human.
