Friday 8 October 2010

Good Jews

When I was working as a trainee in Sydney, this black-clad Jew stepped into the office and nearly scared the bejesus out of me! He looked exactly like the people in the pictures below.

A Jew is basically someone who belongs to the religion called Judaism. According to the Old Testament of the Bible, they are God's Chosen People and will inherit eventually some place called the Promised Land, also known as Israel. They are different from Christians in that they are still waiting for the Messiah or saviour, while Christians accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah.

Bible-believing Christians tend to treat Jews with great respect as they are considered the apple of God's eye. Thus, when the Palestinians shoot a few home-made rockets at Israel, it's terrorist aggression, but when Israel slaughters 2000 Palestinians, it's noble self-defense. To devout Christians, Israel can do no wrong.

Hitler disposed of 6 million Jews during the Second World War. I think the Germans blamed the Jews for their defeat in the First World War, as Jews are good businesspeople and were apparently financing the British military effort against Germany - in exchange for a homeland in Palestine, which
was then in British control.

I have met Jews who consider themselves "white" and look down on the Palestinians. I like to remind them that it was the white Europeans who gassed them, and not the Muslims. Before someone accuses me of being anti-semitic, please note that I'm pro-Palestinian, who are Semites, just like the Jews.

The Europeans killed two birds with one stone when they transferred the Jewish problem from Europe to the Middle East. Firstly, they got rid of the ultra-competitive Jews and secondly they stuck a thorn in the side of their other competitors, the Arabs. Israel is the West's handy weapon to irritate the Muslims, just like Tibet is used to stir up China.

Zionism is basically an extremist racist political movement that uses past Jewish suffering to justify land-grab and merciless subjugation of the Palestinian people.

Fortunately, there are a few Jews who still possess a conscience. They know the dirty political games that are in play and are willing to speak up against them.

Enough said. Time for the photos to do the talking. Click on them for a larger view.
