Friday 9 May 2008

How Scientists Made God Disappear!

Guess what? I’ve solved another magic trick all by myself! I’ve finally found out how scientists made God disappear! I’ve cracked it and I’m so happy I feel like Isaac Newton! Hahaha!

I came across this amazing sentence in the book “The Nature of Science”:

“Evolution thus differs from so-called creation science, supposedly based on the biblical Book of Genesis, because there is no observation or experiment that could conceivably convince a supporter of creation science that it is wrong.”

Therefore it’s wrong.

Get it?

So scientists are basically saying that it’s wrong because they can’t prove it’s wrong!

Isn’t that absolutely mind-boggling logic? Can something like that hold up in court? You’re guilty because there is no way we can prove you’re guilty?

Here‘s how the magic trick works. Let me distil it like a good scientist would into the following 3 steps:

Step 1: Demonstrate that since there is no way to prove or disprove God using science, therefore God is beyond the realm of science.

Step 2: Get the audience to agree that since God is beyond science, the subject is therefore “not science” or “unscientific”.

Step 3: Glorify the word “science” and stigmatise the word “unscientific”, making it indistinguishable from words like stupid, ignorant, uninformed, uneducated, irrational, brainless, idiotic, etc.

Voila! In 3 simple steps, you’ve turned every believer into an imbecile and wiped God off the face of the universe! So simple and yet so utterly effective! It’s one of the most impressive magic tricks I’ve ever seen and has fooled literally millions around the world!

The title of the book is really apt. I have finally discovered the nature of the beast they call science!

[Graphic is from]
