Monday, 13 June 2011

More Than Meets the Eye

Or why I am not an atheist. The following are a few questions I ask MYSELF (so atheists need not get their knickers in a knot). One must question everything, as famous scientist Michio Kaku likes to say.

1) How did living things emerge from non-living things? I haven’t seen any satisfactory explanation from scientists. (I do read science magazines, by the way.)

2) How did we get from simple single-cell organisms to complex organisms like the human being? Evolving from extreme simplicity to mind-boggling complexity indicates direction. Can direction be achieved without guidance? Can an American missile hit an Iraqi tank in the middle of the desert without some guidance system? The evolutionists will immediately jump up and say that with a billion missiles in a billion years, we are bound to hit the tank one day. To which I will respond, why is it so blooming important to hit that tank anyway? And how do we know we have hit the tank without a feedback system? Scientists will reply that there is a system and it’s called Natural Selection, supposedly based on trial and error. What they are really saying is that Father Evolution is doing the selecting and not God. It’s just a name change, basically.

3) What happened to the fossil records? Let’s assume there are only 6 steps in the evolution from ape to man (which is a gross over-simplification). We start with 100% ape. Step 1: 5/6 ape, 1/6 man. Step 2: 4/6 ape, 2/6 man … Step 5: 1/6 ape, 5/6 man. Step 6: 100% man. If the change occured gradually over millions of years, where is all the evidence? It took archaeologists years and years to find the “missing link”. What we have a lot of are fully-formed fossils of all creatures and hardly any in-between ones. Why?

4) Is it possible or plausible for DNA to form the way scientists tell us? We got millions of cells in our bodies. These cells are so small we need microscopes to see them. Yet most of them contain DNA. DNA is like the detailed architecture, mechanical, electrical, civil and structural drawings for constructing a building. The human body is infinitely more complex than any building on earth. All this information - written in an elaborate code that requires super computers to decipher - is packed into a cell so small we can’t see it with the naked eye. Is evolution a good explanation?

5) How did nature managed to achieve ecological balance without guidance, when man has only caused massive environmental damage with our brilliant minds?

6) This one’s from CS Lewis. Where did our sense of fair play come from? When a bird gets eaten by a snake, does it lament about how unfair the world is?

I really have no answers for the questions above. But they do point me in a certain direction.
